Butchers Track

Butchers Track starts on the North West Coastal Highway, 20 kilometres north of Billabong Roadhouse and runs generally eastward to the Carnarvon Mullewa Road, 11 kilometres north of Murchison Settlement, a distance of 144 kilometres.

The turnoff from NWCH is at 26°38’28.32″S 114°32’57.08″E and is well signposted. The turnoff from the Carnarvon Mullewa Road is at 26°47’13.22″S 115°55’19.58″E and is also well signposted.

The condition of the Track depends on when it was last graded, however, it is always suitable to all vehicles unless affected by rainfall.

The track winds its way past interesting mesa formations and red soil dunes. For all but 19 kilometres at its western end and 12 kilometres at its eastern end, Butchers Track is in the Toolonga Nature Reserve and an excised portion of Muggon Station bought back by the government.Read more about Management_of_former_pastoral_properties_in_the_southern_rangelands.

Butchers Track is fortuitously used to access Murchison and points north when the southern section of the Carnarvon Mullewa Road is closed from heavy rains or flooding..

For details of other, lesser-known tracks, go here.