Mount Palmer Track

The unmaintained Mt Palmer Track is hardly worth a mention for most of the year but after prolonged rain it presents a challenge. Heading south from the Great Eastern Highway there is what seems  like a never-ending series of long stretches of water, bogholes and slippery, muddy dirt track.

Leaving Great Eastern Highway from the Yellowdine roadhouse there is fair warning that the trip to Mt Palmer may not be all that easy.

The 12 kilometres to Palmers Find can be one stretch of water after another, some up to a hundred metres long, most about 30 or 40 metres.

At the time we drove the track the depth of the bogholes varied, with the deepest being about level with headlights.

The bogholes end at the historic Mt Palmer fields and essentially that is the end of the Mt Palmer Track.


However, the track west of Mount Palmer continues the fun. Two kilometres west of Mount Palmer is a further challenge – an unnamed lake about 200 metres across and nearly a kilometre in width.


© Kim Epton 2020-2022
210 words, five photographs
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