Yeagarup Track

The Yeagarup Track starts at the southern end of Ritter Road at the D’Entrecasteaux National Park Access Point and Air Down Station.

Ritter Road leads off the Vasse Highway 9 km from where it starts at Pemberton-Northcliffe Road and it is then 11 km on a wide gravel road to the Air Down Station.

Four wheel drive and low tyre pressures are required from the start of the Yeagarup Track. It has been scalloped out quite extensively by those who think it is clever or somehow meritorious if they can ‘get through’ in two wheel drive at highway pressures.

The first challenge is 1.3 kilometres from the start.

Getting up onto the dunes is easy enough if your tyres are deflated to the correct pressure.  This will vary depending on your vehicle and the condition of the ‘face’ which itself has a whole lot of variables that affect its softness or firmness including temperature, moisture, time of the day, how many other vehicles have preceded you and a range of other factors. Think 12-15psi.

On top of the dunes poles mark the way across the white sand 2.4 km to another bush track.

Five kilometres along this twisting, single vehicle track is the top of Yeagarup Hill. Easy to go down. A bit more difficult to get back up.

The white sand slope of Yeagarup Hill leads 1.8 km down to Yeagarup Beach.


The way out is a bit tougher.  Essentially, you have two options – back the way you came in or climb Callcup Hill.

If you elect to try Callcup you must first cross the Warren River. Head south east along the beach for 2.5 kilometres. Assess whether you can ford the river or use the ‘bar’ if it is firm and not too far out in the Southern Ocean.

Either way, once you have climbed either Yeagarup or Callcup Hill you can be reasonably confident in your sand dune climbing competency.

For details of other, lesser-known tracks, go here.

© Kim Epton 2018-2022
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