The Hunt Track in the Boorabbin area has largely been lost. And where its course is known there is a reluctance by local historians to give publicity to that fact for fear that it might interfere with their commercial operations of walking tours along the track.
We freely donated our time, equipment, skills and expertise to refurbish Hunt's Well and the nearby system of harvest walls that feed water into the Koorarawalyee Dam. We were requested to open up a 300 metre section of the Hunt Track from the rock where Hunt's Well is situated to the nearby Koora Retreat.

The track before clearing.

Scott worked the chainsaw and the others cleared away the debris.

Partly cleared track.

Mostly acacias

Graham shifting saplings.
Scott, Graham, Ross and Greg took on the task of opening out the Track for 300 metres from the rock towards the Retreat.
The clearing started at what seemed like an unlikely pace. However, the temperature was in only the mid 20s and the vegetation was light.
Peter, in his mobile workshop, was flat out trying to keep up sharpening the chains on the chainsaws. Although the initial suggestion was for the track to be about two metres wide we pushed it out to vehicle width, making it easier to transport people and tools.

Graham, Ross and Greg on a section of cleared track.
Scott's team finished the Track by mid afternoon and swung over to help the team working on clearing the well and the harvest walls.
Recreating the 20 kilometres of the Hunt Track between Yerdanie Rock and Gnarlbine Rock is a bigger challenge.