453 kilometres (straight line) east from Perth
506 kilometres along the Hunt Track
117 kilometres (straight line) east of Southern Cross.
99 kilometres (straight line) south-west of Kalgoorlie
Next closest well is at Yerdanie, eight kilometres south-east.
It is in the Goldfields Woodland National Park.
GPS Coordinates
266708 metres East
6549760 metres North
31° 9'48.42"S
From the Hunt Track
Turn left (north-west) over the pipeline and drive 200m to the parking area.
From Great Eastern Highway
If heading towards Kalgoorlie turn off to the left at signage and follow the dirt road over the pipeline to the parking area.
Shire of Coolgardie
Sylvester Street
Coolgardie WA 6429
9080 2111
Parks and Wildlife Service - Goldfields Region
32 Brookman Street
Kalgoorlie WA 6430
9080 5555
In his dairies and field books, Hunt referred to this location as Wargangering (1865) and Wargangering (1866), however, it is five kilometres north-east of current day Wargangering Rock.
His Exploration Plan clearly shows that his Wargangering is current day Woolgangie. Compass bearings he gives to other known rocks can be used to demonstrate that his Wargangering is current day Woolgangie. For example, he writes of moving to Yerdanie:
15th August 1864, Monday
“At 10am having but a short distance to go this day & across to another rock bearing from this N111ºE this distance consists of open forest land, red loamy soil – at 11.45am halt at this rock which proves to be one of Mr. Lefroys camps”
This direction and distance from current day Wargangering Rock would have placed Hunt at a small, unnamed granite rock (that could not be mistaken for Yerdanie Rock).
Hunt's description of his Warngering Rock matches that of Woolgangie. There is no well or any evidence of a well at current day Wargangering Rock yet there is a well at Woolgangie.
26 July 1865. Wednesday. ... P.M. removed the party to camp 20 at which place I entend to make a dam there being a spot in every way adapted for so doing, between two large granite rocks. 5h p.m. fine weather and 5 miles calm.
Camp 20 (stated as Wargungerri on 28.4.1865)
Hunt describes his Wargangering as a bald granite rock. Current day Wargangering is not a bald rock whereas Woolgangie is.