Youndegin Well – Well No. 1


140 kilometres (straight line) east of Perth.

66 kilometres from York along the Hunt Track.

17 kilometres (straight line) SSE of Cunderdin.

GPS Coordinates


Zone 50J
Easting 531051
Northing 6482822



The well is located 40 metres east of the old Youndegin Wayside Inn, very close to the road. It is signposted.


The well was restored by the Cunderdin Historical Society prior to 1982 (possibly 1975).

The well is in poor condition and in need of cleaning out. Wells that are fenced are generally in better condition than those unfenced.


Shire of Cunderdin
Lundy Avenue, Cunderdin WA 6407
9635 2700


The name for this locality was derived from nearby Youndegin Hill, first recorded by C.C. Hunt in March 1864.

Hunt considered Youndegin to be an important stop and used it regularly. During his 1865 Wells and Tracks Expedition he recorded:

“3 February 1865. Friday.
During the early part of the day, party engaged opening out the spring, which is a good one, and there being an abundance of grass hereabouts, I have deemed it necessary to make a Reserve of it, it being well adapted for a stopping place for teams, proceeding east northerly from York.”

A Police Station was established at Youndegin in 1866 and became an important stop on the road to the east. Its importance increased during the gold rush of the 1890s.